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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Good Dad

I am so blessed to have a Good Dad in my house, my husband takes his share of parenting and all the glamour that goes with Diapers, morning feedings and snotty noses, household chores and all the other fun stuff that comes with being an adult. I know this is not always the case in some houses. Yesterday we spent the afternoon and evening with two of our favorite couples and their shorties, we spent time in the backyard, had dinner and then finished the night off in good Canadian style with beers and hockey.

The kids are all different ages and that can make the visit interesting, trying to keep all ages happy. The men in our lives did everything they could to play, entertain and have fun with these kids all of them.. How lucky are we to have good dads in our lives.. They played hockey in the backyard, so what if Sean Dad hit my son in the head with a ball he shock it off and after some time inside came out ready to play..

Our men were with the kids ALL day, what a awesome thing that was!

I have on many occasions watched at events both pre and post kids as the moms don't get to sit down well the dads are all standing around drinking and talking. The poor mommies are sweating and running around trying to juggle dinner, diapers, tantrums and half conversations. Not us lucky ladies, we were by no means lazing around but we sure noticed how lucky we were. These amazing men not only love our kids and take time to play and hang out with them but also with their buddies kids.

I say we need to start spreading the word to those not as involved dad's that it is not only fun to play with the kids and that we so appreciate it but wait for it dads it is also!!

So thank you Duane, Rob and Steve you guys are awesome dad's and amazing hubbies!

Some more fun pictures from our day!


  1. Love this. My husband and I are also firm believers that "parenting" does not equal "mothering", and that when hubby stays home with kiddo it doesn't mean he's "babysitting". We both love hanging out with kiddo -- it's 2 on 1 :)

  2. I'm gald you had a fun day with freinds! Parenting is tough work and it is great when you have a full partner, it's also great for the kids. My husband plays differently with our kids than I do and I love to see them respond to the different styles. Thanks for the post.

  3. I could not agree more parenting is a two person job (if you both signed up for it).. I have a awesome husband and love to see my friends enjoy the same stuff..

    Happy Monday Ladies!!

  4. I want to move to Canada or frankly anywhere north. I can smell the spring in the air as it teases you all! Here it is just hot. My husband is ok he is still learning. And a little paranoid I think but he does try! I think he will do more as my son gets older.


Love me some Comments!! Feel free to share your thoughts with me..

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