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Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday Top Five

Happy Friday All!! I love today it is sunny out, my shorties are workin with me, the van is packed for the Legendary Garage Sale tomorrow and I get to have a sleepover with my girl P... Life is GREAT!

Today's Top 5 is my Top 5 things I will do with my lotto winnings.

Our Lotto 649 is at 32 Million which belongs in the Gundry Bank Account... so here we go.. These are my idea and not Rob and I so we will see what happens after we cash the cheque.

1. Hire a Cleaning Lady! what? do I need to say more? Na didn't think so

2. Book the Disney Cruise we will be treating our family, friends and their kidlets to... Oh and book Eric and his family to come and take pictures!! OHHHH this is my dream to do..

3. Make the best call in the world.... to our parents and tell them to retire!!!!! Oh god that brings tears to my eyes what a gift that would be to do for our parents.. but it is a win for us too cuss with all the traveling that Rob and I will be doing we will need sitters Ha ha I am kidding or am I.

4. SHOP SHOP SHOP SHOP and not look at one price tag! NOT one.. I would come into my house and toss out all my clothes and replace them all! EVERY piece.

5. Buy my Jeep that I have been waiting 20 years for!

Happy Friday Everyone.. Its Fun to Dream!!


  1. Sorry - I have the winning ticket...but I promise I'll share! LOL

  2. I would do all of the above as well! Great list!


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