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Thursday, December 8, 2011

A parrot in a cage or the best gift I will give this year

I am so excited about a gift I will be giving on Monday. No not to my kids, nope not my husband or my secret Santa at work.. Nope to a 30 something year old man I don't know that well , who i have met only a couple of times and has everything.

Strange I know but I am so excited.. So I figure he doesn't know me well so he has no clue about my blog so I can spill it here early. Want to see the gift...
 Here it is

A parrot in a cage.

The back story to this little bird goes back a month. I had been back to work for 2 months and Linds and I needed a road trip... and it happened that work required us to have one. We loaded into the good old work caravan , got us some coffee and a OP2S, two GPS and hit the road. We laughed, we talked and we laughed some more.. ahhh work! Gotta love it.

Part of our visit was to check out this amazing new arena that EastLink sponsored. We met up with Tim our regional manager of marketing and he gave us a tour. The arena is bright, new, beautiful and perfect for the community.  After that visit we needed to do the portion that was my job... (this is when we met the parrot)..

We headed to the old empty office, this office once housed a company owned by Tim's parents for 40 some on years. It is a old school house.

Linds and I got out of the truck and made our way towards the building, Tim asked us 3 or 4 times if we were sure we wanted to go in. We answered out of lack of knowledge..

WOW! WOW is all I will say. That is no place for a women!

As we walked around Linds and I made jokes and complained of the poor air quality. We made our way upstairs to what use to be Tim's dad's office and then his for years and years. We looked around and joked some more. Then Tim pointed up and said I remember when I was little and I gave that to my dad. We turned looked up and saw the parrot in the cage.

That's when I realized this was not an abandoned building to Tim. It was a building filled with memories of his life.  This building was the one Tim had gone to when he saw his dad at work, he had started working there as a teenager, got married and had kid of his own well his family ran this company and now we stood starring at a dirty, old parrot in a cage.

We left but I could not stop thinking of that parrot, see we are cleaning out that office and will some day get rid of the building. I couldn't have that parrot go in the dumpster.

So I called in the help of a little Elf.. A elf we will call Lew, and he saved the parrot.

I washed him up and cleaned his cage and now I am SOO excited to give this gift.  I am not sure if he will like it as much as I like it? Not sure if he will hang it in his office but what I know is that special memory will not be tossed away on my watch!

Great gifts are all around you!!

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