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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Good to Know

*Meatloaf is old, grumpy and I really only know 3 songs.. but that was a fun night!

*My family is the funniest group of people I have ever met..

*Tossing the football around with your husband,uncles and cousin is a pretty fun way to spend a Saturday Afternoon.

*A trip to see your Uncle at work can make a 4 year old boys life!!

* somethings may get older but never change

*People who only think of themselves never hurt themselves only push those around them away...and never seem to see it..

* seeing your friend happy can make you smile for days.. the headache from the wine can last that long too..

*I heart LAZY days!!

*something is better then nothing! Thank you Ron!!!

*OH Boyfriend you be careful this week... someone maybe gunning for you!!

* Jays game with our peeps, dinner,drinks and a sleepover DON'T MIND IF I DO!! Happy Saturday!!

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